Ben Zenker


Work involving the process of physical or digital animation.


From Wiggle Animate

Here is an incredibly simple animation made with the current version of Wiggle Animate. There is much more that can be created with this tool, so I suggest you check it out for yourself!


From Broadcast Drone
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Most of the animations I created for FlyCast involved 2D tracking and text manipulation. The last clip in this breakdown was my favorite to create. You'll notice that the particles which explode past the logo are actually the wings from the logo itself.


From Camera Shoot-out
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One of my core roles in the post-production of our shoot-out video was to create consistent and clean graphical animations. These helped brand the footage of each camera, distinguish key features and guide the viewer through our story with more than just words.

In this animation string-out, you will see the branded assets, examples of how they were used, and additional 2D animations that I created. Notice the pop and bounce style that I've added by extending animations lengths, adding keyframes, and perfecting interpolation speeds.


From Light It Up Blue 5K
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When first approaching this animation, I thought the effect was created entirely in-camera, using a long aperture, or possibly even in software with a synthetic long-aperture or delay effect. I quickly realized this was not possible.

This animation involved a rough trace of the lines created by the glow stick, with some creative interpretation. I've also added an artificial glow to the letters to give them more presence in the physical environment.